Volunteer Help Make A Difference! Volunteer Guidelines First NameLast NameEmail Address *What is your email address?Phone *What is your phone number?Are you 21 years old or older? *Yes, I am 21 years old or older. Select a School *Select a SchoolSalmen HighNorthshore HighPearl River HighPope John Paul II HighSlidell HighSelect the school that you are volunteering for.Additional CommentsVOLUNTEER GUIDELINESI agree to all Volunteer RulesI do not agree to all Volunteer RulesPlease Note: This is an ALCOHOL, DRUG & TOBACCO FREE PARTY. BOTH GRADUATES AND CHAPERONES ARE EXPECTED TO UPHOLD THIS RULE. Please help us show our students that celebration and fun can happen without alcohol. If you suspect that a student is under the influence, please bring it to the attention of one of the Board Members or Security. They will handle any problems during the evening. If necessary, they will contact the Police on site. CHAPERONE DRESS: Dress in comfortable clothing and wear comfortable shoes. Leave your valuables/purses/backpacks at home or lock them in your trunk. Bring a light sweater and/or jacket as it does tend to be cold in the gym. NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR BEVERAGE IS ALLOWED. You will be asked to throw it away. We will provide plenty of food and drinks including coffee. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY CHILDREN WITH YOU. If you must smoke, please refrain from smoking in view of the graduates. ARRIVAL: Please Arrive on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at 9:00pm at the Harbor Center. Chaperones should enter through door designated strictly for volunteers. Please check in as you enter. Once your volunteer spot has been assigned, we will have a quick meeting to orientate you to the evening’s events. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE THE AREA THAT YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED! We will have someone that will come around throughout the night to give you a short break for bathroom, food, etc. (Floaters will be wearing green vests). EARLY EXIT: If you need to leave before the party is over, you MUST notify one of the Party Chairs and sign out. This is a MUST - for safety purposes. The Party Chair will locate another volunteer to take your place. If your graduate wishes to leave when you leave, you MUST check them out with one of the Party Chairs. Please do not just leave with them. Once they leave, they cannot be re-admitted and are not eligible for prize drawings held between 4:00-5:00 a.m. FOOD: There should be plenty of food for everyone, but let’s make sure the GRADUATES have enough first. Food must stay and be consumed in the designated areas. You will be given a break by a Floater. CLEAN-UP: Please keep your area clean and organized throughout the night. The games will begin closing at 4:00 a.m. “Game” volunteers will then be assigned to another station to assist with clean up and preparations for the closing of the party/prep for next party. The party will not end until 5:00a.m. therefore it is necessary that ALL volunteers help with clean up. Volunteers and party chairs will leave after the students have been dismissed and the gym is set up for the next school’s party. CHECK IN OF GRADUATES: All seniors must arrive between 10:00 pm & 11:00 p.m. the doors will be locked at midnight. We will continue processing students through the line until everyone has entered. ALL STUDENTS MUST ENTER THROUGH THE DESIGNATED DOORS THAT WILL BE CLEARLY MARKED – PREPAID. Once the Party Chair has officially “closed” the party, no more graduates will be allowed to enter. (No later than 12:00 a.m.) OUTSIDE FOOD/BEVERAGES ARE NOT ALLOWED BY ANYONE. Graduates may not request to leave the party until all students have been checked in, the party has been officially “closed” by the party chair and the parents/guardians have been contacted regarding “no shows.” Graduates MUST check out with the Party Chair ONLY. This is for everyone’s protection. PARENTS/GUARDIANS WILL BE NOTIFIED BEFORE A GRADUATE IS ALLOWED TO LEAVE. Graduates will be escorted, after parents have been notified, to their car by a Police officer and/or Adult Volunteer. DOORS CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT – NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED ENTRY AFTER MIDNIGHT By purchasing a ticket/reservation for your senior to attend Project Graduation, you are hereby granting permission for us to publish their picture in any media format (i.e. website, newspaper, newsletter, Facebook, etc.).Send Message